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Although we are learning about the details about the novel coronavirus, the one thing that is very clear that it is time for you to boost your immunity. Remember, this is a fight against your immune system and the virus. Whoever is stronger wins. There are several things you can do for yourselves to keep your body and immune system stronger, so you come out as the winner…

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  • Get Adequate Sleep – Get 7-8 hours of good quality sleep. Without sufficient sleep, your body makes fewer cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation, effectively creating an immune response. If your sleep schedule is interrupted, try to make up for the lost rest with naps. Taking 1-2 daytime “power” naps that are 15-20 minutes each has been shown to offset the negative effects that sleep deprivation has on the immune system.
  • Eat a Wholesome Diet – At least 70% of your immune system is in your gut and the gut needs a steady supply of quality nutrients to defend itself from foreign pathogens. Targeted foods that boost the immune system include cinnamon, turmeric, wheat germ, elderberry, red or pink grapefruit, lemon, oranges, pear, unsweetened yogurt, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, wild but safe mushrooms, raw garlic, tomatoes, egg yolks, and honey (especially Manuka honey variety).Homeopathy
  • Drink Plenty of Water – Stay well hydrated with purified or filtered water and organic herbal teas. Staying hydrated oxygenates your cells and helps your body naturally eliminate toxins and other pathogens that may cause illness.
  • Nutritional Supplements – Take helpful Immune supportive vitamins/herbs. These include Vitamin C 500-1000 mg/day, Vitamin D 2000 iu/day, Zinc 20-40 mg/day, and herbs such as elderberry, astragalus, and echinacea. Certain Essential Oils can also be helpful such as lavender, lemon, oregano, eucalyptus, and/or tea tree which have anti-microbial agents to ward off bacteria and viruses.
  • Reduce Stress – Keep stress manageable. Spend a few minutes a day with meditation, yoga, breathing, tai chi, laughing, prayer, practicing gratitude, etc.
  • exercise to boost immunityExercise regularly – Exercise helps by promoting good circulation, allowing the lymph and white blood cells of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently.
  • Other supportive measures include targeted homeopathic remedies and acupuncture.
  • Stay safe and healthy!