What Is The ALCAT Test?

ALCAT food sensitivity testing is a very popular test used for identifying food sensitivity, and it only requires one drop of blood. As a matter of fact, one small blood sample can help physicians identify up to 400 different types of food intolerance and chemical sensitivities. The reason why identifying these sensitivities is important is because if left untreated, they can lead to severe joint problems, ADD and other long-term chronic conditions that can be difficult to manage.

The ALCAT test uses a proprietary technology designed to measure the reaction of your body’s white blood cells when exposed to various types of food. This test helps to identify which are the foods that your body naturally reacts to, so you can eliminate them from your diet and prevent the effects of food sensitivity.

ALCAT food sensitivity testing has been used by physicians all over the world for more than three decades. It aims to check how your white blood cells react to certain compounds as well as how your innate immune system responds to different food items. Once you have identified the causes of your food intolerance, it is a lot easier to prevent digestive problems and to strengthen your immune system at the same time.

What is unique about the ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test? ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test

Traditional food sensitivity testing focuses on immediate hypersensitivity responses, such as the swelling of the tongue or lips right after an individual has consumed or interacted with a certain type of food. Although the classic tests are accurate, they do pose a higher risk for the patient, whereas the ALCAT test simply focuses on pinpointing the delayed hypersensitivity responses of your body to certain types of foods. The ALCAT test aims to identify these sensitivities on a much deeper level.

Benefits of ALCAT Food Sensitivity Testing

The primary advantage of using the ALCAT food intolerance test is the fact that it is accurate, and it uses blood – which is known to contain serum proteins, cells and all the other components of the immune system that are known to be triggered whenever your body reacts negatively to a certain food or group of foods. The same type of response can be triggered in case of an adverse reaction to chemicals or molds, not just foods, and whenever that happens the human body is designed in such a way that it releases some “chemical mediators” (such as cytokines or histamines) designed to restore the balance. In return, these chemical mediators will trigger the white blood cells to intervene – and this is precisely what the entire ALCAT test is based upon.

Knowing which foods you are naturally allergic to helps in your fight against skin problems, allergies, or diabetes. Some studies have revealed that unidentified food sensitivity may be the underlying cause of obesity. By using state of the art techniques, you can identify these sensitivities and prevent them from impacting your life. Every food that we ingest can activate our immune system, and it is up to us to make sure that we feed our body with the right type of fuel!

Lastly, the ALCAT test can be used for identifying a variety of negative immune system responses, not just for food sensitivity. It is equally efficient for identifying lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, gluten sensitivity as well as hypersensitivity to chemicals or certain types of drugs.

Ready For The ALCAT Food Intolerance Test

All ALCAT tests require a blood draw and include a Free Consultation with an ALCAT representative to review test results. There are different types of test panels depending on what you want to be tested for. Some examples are listed below.  The details of what is included in each test may vary slightly overtime. You will be provided with what is included in each specific at time of purchase.

ALCAT Platinum Plus Test (357 Items)

  • 237 Foods
  • 50 Functional Foods & Medicinal Herbs
  • 20 Food Additives/Colorings
  • 10 Environmental Chemicals
  • 20 Molds
  • 20 Antibiotics/Anti-inflammatories

ALCAT Platinum Comprehensive Test (320 Items)

  • 200 Foods
  • 50 Functional Foods & Medicinal Herbs
  • 20 Food Additives/Colorings
  • 10 Environmental Chemicals
  • 20 Molds
  • 20 Antibiotics/Anti-inflammatories

ALCAT Comprehensive Wellness 1 Test (250 Items)

  • 200 Foods
  • 20 Food Additives/Colorings
  • 10 Environmental Chemicals
  • 20 Molds

ALCAT Comprehensive Wellness 2 Test (220 Items)

  • 200 Foods
  • 20 Food Additives/Colorings

ALCAT Comprehensive Wellness 3 Test (200 Items)

  • 150 Foods
  • 20 Food Additives/Colorings
  • 10 Environmental Chemicals
  • 20 Molds