Are you having difficulty losing weight even when you cut your calories, follow a weight loss diet, and exercise regularly? Does it seem like no matter what you do, you can’t seem to lose weight? Take heart! you are not alone. One of the most common causes of weight loss difficulty is a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances have been linked to reduced metabolism and increased fat storage, which can make it difficult to lose weight. Lets take a look into how to balance hormones for weight loss.

Hormonal Weight Gain

What Are Hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers responsible for a number of functions in the body. These essential hormones impact both male and female health. When a hormone imbalance occurs, it can increase the risk of serious disease, including diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and heart disease. Among other things, your hormones also control how your body responds to food, where your fat is stored, your cravings, and your appetite. Below are five hormones that may prevent you from losing the weight.

  • Cholecystokinin – Cholecystokinin is a hormone distributed throughout the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas and is known as the satiety hormone. It lets you know when you are full. When this hormone does not respond properly, you end up eating more than you should.
  • Insulin – Insulin is used to process sugar into fuel. Insulin resistance is often due to a lack of exercise, excess stress, overindulgence of alcoholic beverages, and obesity. When insulin resistance occurs, the body begins storing excess fat, especially around the belly.
bioidentical hormone replacement
  • Ghrelin – Ghrelin is called the hunger hormone. This hormone signals to the brain when the body requires more food to produce the energy it needs. The stomach releases ghrelin and sends a hunger signal to the brain. When ghrelin is sent at the wrong time, you may feel hungry when in fact you are not.
  • Leptin – Leptin is an appetite suppressor. Fat cells release leptin to let the body know it has ample energy stores. However, researchers have shown obese people’s bodies do not respond to those signals. This results in eating when you are not hungry. Additionally, leptin controls cravings. When the body responds improperly to leptin signals, cravings can occur.
  • Irisin – Irisin is known as the exercise hormone. This hormone helps turn fat into brown adipose tissue that can easily be burnt by the body. This hormone is released from the muscles during aerobic exercise. It helps increase metabolism, resulting in a thinner, healthier you.

As you can see, there are several hormones that can impact your ability to lose weight and keep it off. When these or other hormones become imbalanced, weight gain can occur. Learning how to balance your hormones through proven HRT weight loss methods is the first step toward improved health and enhanced weight loss.

Hormone Balancing

Hormone Therapy for Weight Loss

Did you know that hormone replacement therapy can help you lose weight, keep it off, and optimize your overall health and well being? Bioidentical hormones are created using natural substances that are similar to the hormones that are naturally created in the body. These hormones are designed to address hormone imbalances and correct them.

In addition to those listed above, a number of sex hormones like estrogenprogesterone, and testosterone can become imbalanced. When an imbalance occurs, weight gain, mood swings, and sleep difficulties can plague an individual.

One of the most common sex hormone imbalances is progesterone. Although progesterone naturally rises and falls throughout the day, huge hormone swings can impact your mood and result in weight gain, especially in the midsection. Using bioidentical hormones rebalances your body and promotes weight loss when other weight loss protocols are followed. Check out the following weight loss strategies to help you lose weight and keep it off.

balance hormones for weight loss

Balance Hormones for Weight Loss

In addition to hormone replacement therapy, there are many things you can do to help balance your hormone levels.

  • Diet– Eating a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is one of the best ways to help you lose the weight. Additionally, taking vitamin and mineral supplements can help ensure that your body is receiving adequate nutrition.
  • Proteins– Most health proponents are also realizing the importance of lean protein diets filled with complex carbohydrates. Protein helps the body use insulin correctly, resulting in more fat loss. Eating three meals a day and a couple of snacks can also help you burn excess fat. Your snacks should be a protein snack, such as a handful of almonds.
  • Detoxification will also help reset the body’s hormones. A detoxification program involves eating raw foods and drinking pure distilled water. Once the detoxification process is complete, it is time to begin a hormone therapy routine to help you get your hormones back in line.
  • Sleep– Make sure that you are getting adequate rest. One of the biggest causes of hormonal imbalances is the lack of restorative sleep. Shut off all electronic items at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime to help the body get ready for sleep. When you go to bed, make sure the room is pitch black and cool. The body produces melatonin during darkness. If you do not sleep in darkness, melatonin stores will be low, which can result in hormonal imbalances.
hormone doctor near me

Ready for Healthy Weight Loss

If you are ready to begin your journey toward improved health, talk to us today about hormone therapy for weight loss. Our team of functional doctors will provide guidance on how to balance hormones for weight loss through natural health protocols and proven dietary directives designed to rev up metabolism and aid in weight loss. If needed, hormone replacement therapy will be used.

Practice good health by eating a healthy diet, getting the recommended daily amount of sleep, following a detoxification program, and exercising daily to help in your journey toward weight loss. In addition to this, talk with your doctor to learn about the connection between bioidentical hormones and weight loss. Hormonal imbalances can negatively impact weight. Just one hormonal imbalance can cause your metabolism to drop significantly. By learning about the hormones that can help you lose weight, you will no longer be frustrated when the scales keep rising as you keep eating less and exercising more.